Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Ada tugas lagi..
Selamat membaca
Semoga bermanfaat ;-)

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb
The honourable Mrs. Hj. Tri Rukmini, S. Pd., the headmaster of SMP N 1 Godean. The teachers and the employes of SMP N 1 Godean whom we fully respect.
And my beloved friends good morning…

Firstly, let’s praise up our thanks be to the presence of Allah, the Great Unity, for showering us with blessings and mercy, so still this moment we can have opportunity to attend in this ceremony. In this very happy occasion, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “The Disadvantages of Using The Internet”.
As we know  that we  are in global era, at this moment, in this global era the modern technology grows very fast. In this global era, the electronic media improves perfectly, as we can watch  the development  of  technology right now.  One of developing technology is the internet.
Internet has positive impact, but the Internet also has a negative impact. Some of the negative impact is many appear online games that makes the students lazy to learn,  abduction through social networking,  appear people that sabotage a website that lead to fraud. Another negative impact of the Internet is the effective use of the Internet in the transmit content that are open disgrace or irresponsible.
So, we must be careful of the various sites that we visit to avoid things that are not desirable.
That’s all my speech. If there are many mistakes in my speech, please forgive me. Finally, I say thank you and Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih banet yahhh.. dengan pidato inggris km.. aku bisa nyelesaiin uian praktek akuuu
